Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Book Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

Title: Blue Lily, Lily Blue

Author: Maggie Stiefvater

Publisher: Scholastic

Release Date: October 21th, 2014

ISBN: 9781407136639

Rating: 4.5/5

Cover Impressions: Once again, beautiful.

I received a copy of this book from Scholastic in exchange for an honest review, (this review will include spoilers, ye hath been warned) so here goes nothing:

Synopsis: There is danger in dreaming. But there is even more danger in waking up. Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs. The trick with found things though, is how easily they can be lost. Friends can betray. Mother's can disappear. Visions can mislead. Certainties can unravel.

Review: For me, The Raven Cycle isn’t just about Gansey’s quest to find Glendower, or Ronan’s ability to pull things from his dreams, or even Blue’s curse. It’s about the amazingness of the characters and how astoundingly realistic they are. In Blue Lily, Lily Blue new characters including the Grey Man and Piper were introduced, I love them all so much.

In Blue Lily, Lily Blue, the boys and Blue discovered secrets hither to unknown to them. The disappearance of Blue's mother (off to find Blue’s father) three months earlier led them to the magical forest of Cabeswater. Their quest leads them to a strange set of caves and as they explore each one, they stumble upon a cave containing an ancient Welsh coffin. In the coffin is the daughter of Glendower, Gwenllian.

At the beginning of The Raven Boys, it became known to us that Gansey was going to die. In Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I couldn’t get this out of my head and so, was sat on the edge of my seat from beginning till end. Thankfully Gansey is still breathing… for now.

The budding romance between Blue and Gansey is one interesting thread in a story that I was so happy about. With Blue and Gansey taking it one step at a time, meeting late at night and of course the threat of Blue’s curse always overshadowing events, this romance will not be anything short of a rollercoaster ride.

In the first two books, Stiefvater threaded her needle and she pierced Blue, each of the Boys, the women at 300 Fox Way, The Gray Man together and began weaving a tapestry so intricate that and beautiful. In Blue Lily, Lily Blue, these threads have begun to tighten, to pull themselves closer together and form a rainbow. I don’t want the next book to come around too soon because then it will all be over, but at the same time I need it now, does that make sense?

Overall, I give this book four and a half out of five stars, it was great.

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