Tuesday, 8 July 2014



I put the exclamation there because I'm excited and the question mark because, well I wonder, is anyone actually going to read this.

So, I'm Olivia or Livia or Skittles (I love skittles, I discovered them about six months ago and before that I pretty much stayed clear of sweets, then my friends decided to give me some and as they say, the rest is history). I'm not going to babble about skittles anymore so don't worry, I'm just here to say...

I decided to start this blog because I'm too shy to start a YouTube channel and I want to, well what do I actually want to achieve by this? I'm not 100% sure, but anyways, I'm a fangirl and I wanted to write a blog about books (well duh, I think you can tell that from the title) and characters and stuff. On here there will be reviews (gasp), there will be ships (sighs) and  there will be wonder (sobs). I already kind of do this on Tumblr but I wanted my one little corner of the interweb so here I am.

Before I go, just five quick facts about myself:

1. I live in England.

2. My favorite genres of books are within the YA and they are: *drum roll* dystopian, fantasy and whatever else caches my attention.

3. I love photography,

4. I am currently studying Japanese and really want a pen pal *hint hint*.

5. I love tea, I'm actually addicted, its perfect.

Ohhh bonus fact, shocked you there didn't I, didn't I, huh?

6. Armageddon, EverAfter and The Lion King are my favourite films of all time.

Dudaaa, so that's it for now, I'll be back, at least I think I will if I don't get kidnapped or contract some kind of rare disease OR discover a new species and become Brian Cox kind of famous, not that I really like Brian Cox, no offence (if you by some miracle are reading this, which I somehow don't think you are). Errr, this is awkward *runs away*.

See (well not see, I can't physically see you through my laptop screen, that is if there is actually any one there to see...) you later guys.

Livia/ Skittles


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